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Explore Marketplace Launch Services for Amazon




  • Up to 20 products added to Amazon
  • Store creation (If client is brand registered)
  • Competitor analysis
  • Product description copywriting




  • Up to 50 products added to Amazon
  • Brand Registry support
  • Review response framework development
  • Amazon Buy Box win support




  • Up to 100 products added to Amazon
  • Store design for Amazon
  • A+ content suggestions
  • Fee structure training guide for Amazon

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Join the world’s largest ecommerce marketplace with our Stores and Marketplace Launch Services for Amazon

Amazon is responsible for more than 40% of online sales — and half of today’s shoppers go to Amazon when searching for a new product. Businesses can’t deny the immense value of Amazon, which is why an Store on Amazon is essential.
Whether you’re new to the Amazon marketplace and need help establishing your Amazon Store or you’re an established business and need help optimizing your Amazon Store, Nanomaxhub can help achieve your goals on the world’s biggest ecommerce website.
Learn how our team of more than 450+ marketing specialists on Amazon can help your business by contacting us online today. Or, chat with one of our experienced strategists by giving us a ring at +256706017934.

what clients say

Nanomaxhub has been an amazing partner for us. Our rep is professional, courteous, and always willing to discuss opportunities to help grow our business. It’s been a great experience working with them since day one.

Stores & Marketplace Launch Services for Amazon Pricing

With satisfied clients from across the world and a client retention rate of 91% percent, Nanomaxhub is a trusted provider of Store setup and management services for Amazon. We also provide additional marketing services for Amazon, including search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC).
Learn more about our packages and deliverables for account management for Amazon below.

Features Aggressive Market Leader Trailblazer Enterprise
Addition of products to Amazon Up to 20 products Up to 50 products Up to 100 products 100+ products
Category and Subcategory Suggestions
Store Creation and Optimization for Amazon (If client is brand registered)
Review Best Practices Guide
Fee Structure Training Guide for Amazon
Review Response Framework Developed
Product Description Copywriting: 1 page per product
Competitor Analysis
Amazon Buy Box Win Support
Store Design (Brand Registered Clients Only)
Brand Registry Support
Enhanced Brand Content Suggestions (Sellers Only) Implementation of suggestions is an additional fee of: $600 per page
A+ Content Suggestions (Vendors Only)
PPC Progressive Monthly Management Cost for Amazon: Required with Store & Marketplace Launch for Amazon $2,000 $2,500/mo. or 28% of ad spend, whichever is greater $5,000/mo. or 24% of ad spend, whichever is greater $12,000/mo. Or 22% of ad spend, whichever is greater
PPC Monthly Ad Spend for Amazon: Required with Store & Marketplace Launch for Amazon Up to $5,000 $5,001 to $15,000 $15,001 to $50,000 $50,000+
One Time Setup (Over two months) $3,750 $8,000 $15,000 Call for Quote
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What do our Stores and Marketplace Launch Services for Amazon include?

When you partner with Nanomaxhub for the setup and management of your Amazon Store, you receive a comprehensive set of deliverables that maximize your success on Amazon. That can increase your sales and revenue, as well as online visibility in Amazon search results.

Explore a few features of our Store management services for Amazon:

Store creation for Amazon

If your company’s new to Amazon, our team of award-winning designers will create a custom Amazon storefront for your business. By developing a design that offers the best user experience, as well as the best showcase of your brands and products, we set up your Amazon store for success.

Store optimization for Amazon

For businesses with an established presence on Amazon, our team audits your store and optimizes it for driving sales and brand awareness. These optimizations can include a series of changes, from a complete redesign to a storefront update on your displayed products.
We improve the online visibility of your Amazon Store, as well as your products, by optimizing your listings — if you’re new to Amazon, our team also adds your products to your storefront. We optimize your products by creating compelling product descriptions and optimizing your products’ category and subcategory classification.

Competitor analysis

Before we create or optimize your store, your dedicated marketing specialist for Amazon conducts in-depth research into your competitors on Amazon. We assess their products, advertisements, and storefronts to develop a design and optimization strategy that makes you their toughest competitor.
Ready to launch — or relaunch — your Store for Amazon? Contact us online and tell us about your business and product line. Or, speak to one of our experienced strategists and receive a custom quote by giving us a ring at +256706017934!

Why use our account management services for Amazon?

With more than 15 years of experience, we’ve maintained an impressive track record of increasing client revenues. Combined with our award-winning and data-driven strategies, we’ve become the trusted choice for account management services for Amazon.
Discover why companies choose Nanomax for their Amazon needs:.

Dedicated marketing specialist for Amazon

We feature a team of more than 450+ marketing specialists for Amazon. When you partner with us, you receive a dedicated and hands-on specialist with more than 1.6 million hours of expertise. Unlike other companies, your specialist invests the time to learn your business, name, products, and goals.

Unmatched client satisfaction

Nanomaxhub maintains a level of client satisfaction and retention that exceeds industry expectations. Our client recommendation score is 488% higher than the industry average, while our client retention score is 91%. At WebFX, however, nothing we do is average.

Decades of experience

With more than 15 years of experience, we offer unparalleled expertise when it comes to management for Amazon. Our history emphasizes the commitment of our team and company to learn the newest strategies and standards for building, managing, and optimizing a successful Store on Amazon.

Data-driven strategies

We don’t depend on hunches when it comes to our Store management services for Amazon. Instead, we rely on more than 15 years of proprietary data. Our extensive data, allows us to deliver data-driven strategies that other agencies can’t match.

Why invest in Store setup and management for Amazon?

Debating about whether your company should invest in Store setup and management services for Amazon? There are plenty of reasons to consider Amazon, as well as a storefront — especially with the platform overseeing 40% of all online sales. Companies are also investing in our account management services for Amazon for the following reasons:

Increase sales on Amazon

With half of the market heading to Amazon to search for a new product, it’s critical for companies to have a presence there. A Store on Amazon not only demonstrates that your company’s active on Amazon, but that you’re also established.
For many consumers, that can serve as a trust signal. Your Store on Amazon shows that there is a brand and a company behind a product. That can convince shoppers to add your product — and not a competitor’s — to your cart.

Improve shopper loyalty

A storefront on Amazon acts as a microsite for your company. You receive a custom URL, as well as a location to showcase your brand and products. Even better, your Store on Amazon can feature links to your social media.
That can result in more engagement across your social media platforms. It can also increase the loyalty of these shoppers. For example, when you launch a new product, you can announce it to your social media followers — and provide your followers with a link to your Amazon listing.
It’s critical to note, however, that your social media is more than a promotional platform. If you want to build the loyalty of your target shopper, then you need to make your social media strategy about them. Offer them value with relevant and original articles, as well as sneak-peeks into your business.

Create immersive shopping experiences

When you invest in our store setup service for Amazon — or store management service for Amazon — you create an immersive shopping experience. They can browse your products without the noise of search results, almost as if they were on your website.
By offering this kind of experience, you can improve not only your sales but also your brand awareness. Better brand awareness can lead to the earlier benefits mentioned, like higher activity on your social media accounts and increase shopper loyalty.

Customize product promotions

With our account management for Amazon Stores, we can handpick products to promote on your Store or utilize dynamic widgets to autopopulate your product displays. For example, you may promote your best-selling products to increase their sales even more.
In most instances, your marketing specialist for Amazon will reference keyword data and use individual shopper insights to customize which products appear on the homepage of your Store. That way, you’re offering users customized options that appeal to their shopping habits.

Integrate digital marketing strategies

Another perk of investing in Store management services for Amazon is that they can help your other digital marketing strategies. For example, your social media strategy and content marketing strategy can both benefit from your Store on Amazon.
In this scenario, your social media platforms could feature original content from your content marketing strategy. That would engage shoppers that arrived from the social media links on your Store. Content on your social media, if linked from your website, could also direct traffic to your site.
As a full-service Internet marketing agency, Nanomax can help integrate these strategies for you.

FAQs about Store management services for Amazon

Looking to learn more about Store management services for Amazon? Browse our FAQ:

What are Store management services for Amazon?

Store management services for Amazon are services that manage your brand’s Store on Amazon, SEO for Amazon, and PPC for Amazon. With Store management on Amazon, companies can increase their visibility and sales on the Amazon marketplace.

How much do Store management services for Amazon cost?

Prices for Store management services for Amazon vary and depend on your marketing agency for Amazon, product catalog size, monthly ad spend, and more. Typically, businesses will invest $9000 to $60,000 per month into Store management services for Amazon.

Launch your Store on Amazon with Nanomaxhub

With more than 3 million generated in revenue for clients, ecommerce businesses have trusted Nanomaxhub for decades. Whether you’re looking to launch or manage your Store on Amazon, our team can help increase your sales on the ecommerce platform.

Learn more about our Store management services for Amazon by contacting us online today! You can also chat with one of our experienced strategists by calling us at +256706017934 to receive a free and customized quote.


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